Quentin Rae-Grant

M.B., Ch.B (Hons) DPM, FRCPsych FRCPC;Toronto, Canada

Trained at University of Aberdeen and Maudsley Hospital, London. Worked for 10 years in U.S. including three years at Washington University, John Hopkins and NIMH.

From 1968 – 1987 he was Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Hospital for Sick Children and Professor of Psychiatry at Univesity of Toronto. In addition, from 1985 – 1987 he was Chair of the Department of Psychiary at the University of Western Ontario. He has been president of a number of organizations: Ontario Psychiatric (1979), Canadian Psychiatric (1982 – 1983), Canadian Academy of Child Psychiatry (1985 - 1987). He was CPA Board Chair (1985 – 1991) and Editor, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (1995 – 2004). His areas of interests have been adolescence; divorce and impact on families; concerns about law and psychiatry and childrens’ rights.

Competing Interests/Conflicts of Interest: None to declare in the past year.

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