PhD; Professor and Dean, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Canada
Michael Clinton joined the Faculty of Nursing on July 1, 2004 from Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia , where he was invited to occupy the position of Dean (Organizational management) in the Division of Health Sciences following a period as Professor in Health Sciences and Head of the School of Public Health . Dr Clinton has developed an international reputation in mental health nursing and in the management of health services. He is a former member of the Mental Health Council of Australia, former President of the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses, and former editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing published by Blackwell Publications, now the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. Dr Clinton has eclectic research and scholarly interests. His principal areas of focus are the philosophy and ethics of mental health, health service management, and the preparation and retention of the health workforce. He has conducted research into aged care, primary health care, mental health, and nurse education. Dr Clinton has a successful track record in university teaching, funded research, research supervision, and academic leadership. He contributes to undergraduate and graduate teaching and supervises higher degree candidates in nursing and cognate disciplines.
Competing Interests/Conflicts of Interest: None to declare in the past year.
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