JEMH - Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2008

Table of Contents

Entire Issue as a single pdf file:

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Moving Forward on New Themes

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Ronald Ballantyne MSW MBA


Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

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Synopsis of Psychiatric Ethics

Based on Six Papers Published in Australasian Psychiatry

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Michael Robertson MB BS FRANZCP

Garry Walter MB BS BMedSc PhD FRANZCP



1st Annual Bernard Dickens Student Award for Writing in Mental Health Ethics

1. "Above These Badlands": Delusions, Autonomy, and Individual Beliefs in Right to Refuse Psychotropic Medication Cases

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Lindsay J. Webb BA

Lakefield 2007 Conference Proceedings

2. The Psyche and the Soul: An "Unholy" or Essential Alliance?

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Bernard Dickens OC PhD LLD FRSC

Peer Reviewed Submissions:

3. Ethical issues and Tagging in Dementia

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Julian C. Hughes MA MB ChB MRCPsych PhD

Jane Newby MBBS MRCPsych

Stephen J. Louw MB ChB, MD (UCT), FCP (SA), FRCP, FRCP (Edin)

Gill Campbell RMN RGN

Jane L. Hutton PhD CStat

4. The Social Construction of Values and the Psychiatric Profession

Part 1: Conceptual Issues and the Case of Argentine Psychiatry

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Michael Robertson MB BS (Hons) FRANZCP

Hans Pols MA, PhD

Garry Walter MB BS, BMedSc, FRANZCP PhD

Part 2: A Pilot Ethnomethodological Study.

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Michael Robertson MB BS (Hons), FRANZCP

Ian Kerridge FRACP, FRCPA, MPhil

Garry Walter MB BS, BMedSc, FRANZCP PhD


Frontline Perspectives

Peer Reviewed Submissions:

1. Duty of Care Versus Safety of a Colleague

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Mary V. Seeman MD

2. Ethical and Clinical Deliberations on Protecting Comunity Mental Health Workers from Second Hand Smoke

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Margaret Gehrs, RN MScN, CPMHN(C)

Christina Van Sickle, BSW

Samuel Law, MDCM FRCP(C)



Invited Submission

Pharmacists Prescribing Psychotropic Medications: Is This Really a Good Idea?

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Marie-Anik Gagne, HBSocSC, MA, PhD

David M. Gardner, BSc Pharm, PharmD, MSc

Barry Power, BScPhm, PharmD

Kenneth I. Shulman, MD, SM, FRCPsych, FRCPC


In My Life

Peer Reviewed Submission

1. Building a Culture of Recovery: a Comprehensive Recovery Education Strategy

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Kate Storey

Tanya Shute

Ann Thompson

Invited Submission

2. Ethics in Peer Support Work

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Cheryl Yarek


Book Reviews

1. Defining Right and Wrong in Brain Science: Essential Readings in Neuroethics

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Edited by Walter Glannon

Dana Press, 2007

Reviewed by: Chris Kaposy PhD

2. Moral Stealth: How "Correct Behavior" Insinuates Itself into Psychotherapeutic Practice

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Arnold Goldberg MD

University of Chicago Press, 2007

Reviewed by: Barbara Russell PhD

3. Ethics in Psychology: Professional Standards and Cases (Third Edition)

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Gerald P. Koocher, Patricia Keith-Spiegel

Oxford University Press, 2008

Reviewed by: Nicola Wright, PhD CPsych

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