Francoise Baylis

PhD; Professor, Dept of Bioethics and Philosophy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

Françoise Baylis, Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy (2004-2011) is a professor at Dalhousie University where she holds a cross-appointment in the Departments of Bioethics and Philosophy. She has considerable expertise in health care ethics, a solid research and publication track record, and national experience in policy-making. The significance of her work is evident in her original and thought provoking contributions to the literature, her international collaborations, as well as the relevance and practical impact of her academic and advocacy work. Currently, she is Co-coordinator of the International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics.

Professor Baylis' research interests are in novel technologies (in genetics and in neuroscience), research involving humans, women's health and feminist ethics. Her current research is on “Therapeutic Hopes and Ethical Concerns: Clinical Research in the Neurosciences.” In addition to her academic research, Professor Baylis does considerable work in the realm of policy-making primarily via research contracts, public speaking and national committee work.

Her biography is included in Who's Who in Black Canada and in Canadian Who's Who.

Competing Interests/Conflicts of Interest: None to declare in the past year.

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