Tim Krahn

MA, Research Associate, Novel Tech Ethics, Faculty of Medicine Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

Tim Krahn just recently completed his MA (Reflections on the Law & Ethics of Regulating Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in the UK) at the University of Ottawa. He has worked since 2005 as a researcher for Novel Tech Ethics, a multi-disciplinary team within the Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University. His research has focussed largely on social justice concerns at the interface of health law, ethics, mental health, and disability studies. His current publishing projects include building relevant data and analyzing: consent documents used by Canadian IVF clinics from 1991-present; CIHR's spending on Down syndrome research from 2000-present; and dimensions of access to Orphan drugs in the US and Canada from 1997-present. From 2006-2010, in addition to his research associate duties, Tim acted as the lead programmer and organizer of Novel Tech Ethics' numerous public education initiatives, facilitating knowledge translation from patients to health researchers and health researchers to patients. Tim is a contributing editor to the film section of the Journal of Ethics in Mental Health and ran an annual mental health film series in Halifax from 2007-2011. Tim's career also includes employment as a Project Coordinator (2013/14, Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network), as a front line social services worker and counsellor for persons with developmental disabilities (2000-2005), as a sessional instructor (1997-2000, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Winnipeg), and as a carpenter (year round, including several fine Winnipeg winters).

Competing Interests/Conflicts of Interest: None to declare in the past year.

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